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View photos from: 2022 Sept IYC Member Dinner
Click the image to view our 2022-2023 Calendar. For racing dates and registration, click here. Board Meetings are hosted via Zoom on the 2nd Tuesday @ 6pm PT. |
Events |
View photos from: 2022 Sept IYC Member Dinner
Click the image to view our 2022-2023 Calendar. For racing dates and registration, click here. Board Meetings are hosted via Zoom on the 2nd Tuesday @ 6pm PT. |
Greetings! We were busy on the water this past weekend celebrating three awesome occasions. First, our Sadie Hawkins race on 4/24 had 22 boats registered! A personal best for IYC! The weather was great! The racers were enthused! Women only at the helm. Gift bags were sent out earlier and many of us were wearing the Sadie Hawkins IYC 2021 buff proudly! Thank you Ros for creating, purchasing, and mailing those out. Our award ceremony is Monday, May 3 @ 7pm PT - register now to attend.
Finally, we headed out, on a misty Sunday morning for Opening Day on the Bay. Eric’s Catalina 36, Amanda, was decorated as a Polynesian Goddess, grass skirt and flowers around her hull, coconuts flying on the mast and a lai flying from her bow. The visibility during our motoring to St. Francis Yacht Club was pristine. Even before we hit the end of the estuary, we could see both towers of the Golden Gate Bridge. As we neared the GGB, the weather changed. The fog came in along with the rain, the temperature chilled and the waters became choppy. We lost one coconut to the winds, Boats were a bit disorganized, but we followed Matthew Turner and showed our bright colors! The classic boats were out, the boats displaying their flags were out but we were the only decorated boat on display! We will hear the results shortly! You can see photo and video from the event here. In conclusion, we’re having an amazing time holding and attending events. Island Nights Race Series are under way. We’ve got two marine first aid sessions scheduled for May 17 and May 24 ($15 IYC members, $20 non-members - on sale soon). The 2nd Annual Estuary Extravaganza is scheduled for 8/1. Women’s Sailing Seminar is scheduled for Oct. 8-10. We appreciate the faith you have in Island Yacht Club. This past year has not been easy on any of us, but we’ve kept our goal alive, rebuilding the club with your help! Keep showing up! Keep volunteering! We’re excited to keep the momentum going! See you Monday night at our meetup! Melissa Grudin
Commodore, Island Yacht Club Opening Day on the Bay is an annual celebration of the maritime community on the San Francisco Bay. In 2021, Island Yacht Club was proud to present Amanda, our Opening Day flagship.
IYC is a repeat PICYA Decorated Boat category champion -- and our 2021 entry - a Catalina 36 donning an 80ft grass skirt and two giant coconuts - was dressed to impress. At the helm was Island Yacht Club's Cruise Chair, Eric Korbas, joined by IYC members and friends. The luau theme reflected the warm days and relaxed vibe of Alameda Island life, as well as being a nod to our place in the Pacific. Amanda was also a participant in the PICYA Pacific-Rim Unity Parade and is a proud symbol of the "Little Club that Can" - Island Yacht Club. While a decorated boat category winner will not be announced until next month, we would like to say a huge thank you to owners Eric, Maribel & Daisy, as well as the IYC volunteers who decorated and crewed Amanda. Looking good, rain or shine! We're celebrating women on the water with our Sadie Hawkins all-female skippers race on Saturday, April 24, 2021. On Monday, April 19 @ 7pm PT, we kicked off Sadie Hawkins with a free Skipper's Meeting & Race Clinic, delivered via Zoom. Skipper's Meeting Speakers: Janet Frankel & Nathan de Vries The Island Yacht Club Race Committee will be demystifying the Sadie Hawkins Sailing Instructions, including an overview of our courses and the weather forecast for Saturday. Tune in to learn about our courses, race organization and preparation. Alameda Estuary Race Clinic Speaker: Rosanne de Vries Race to Win on the Alameda Estuary - An overview of what makes sailing the Alameda Estuary unique--and how local sailors use the wind, tides and currents to sail efficiently. Panel: Yacht Racing, the Estuary Way - An instructive and inspirational panel on competitive sailing on the Alameda Estuary. Panelists:
Have questions about sailing on the Alameda Estuary? Get in touch with us! Resources ![]()